Dear Mom and Dad, I LOVE You

Today I realize that I’m actually one of those spoil brat. I used to hate spoil brat who take things for granted without being thankful. But later on, I realize that I’m actually one of them too. Why do I say this? Of course, because I just realized it today. Lol.

Before this, I think it is a given that parents should provide their children shelter, food, clothes, pocket money and more. And when it comes to education, being the typical ‘kiasu’ Asian parents, they will expect us to fare well in our exam. My question is, is it a given for us children to do well in our exam just because they invest many times and money on us? My answer is YES!

Our parents work so hard to earn money so that we can get a good education. A good parent will emphasize on their children education so that they can get a good job in the future. I’m not saying that parents in under develop country who can’t send their children to school is a bad parent. I believe that if they were given a choice, of course they will grab the opportunity to give their children education. Now let us imagine this, what if we invest a huge sum of money on a project, and we do everything we can, we spent our time analyzing the project, we invest our hard earned money on that project, but in the end, we didn’t get any profit from it. How will you feel when this happened to you? That is how our parents feel when we didn’t fare well in our education.

Today while I was doing homework at the small table in my kitchen *shorter distance with foods* XD , I overheard my parents chit-chatting at the dining table. My father mentioned to my mom that he is tired and he can’t seem to get enough rest lately. And when I take a look at the dining table where my parents were sitting, I realized I’m not looking at the man who used to be so strong , so tough that even a typhoon can’t swirled him away. But instead, I’m staring at the face of a man who’s so tired and I can see the wrinkles on his face. At that moment, I realize that my father has become old. He has spent more than 20 years to work so that me and my siblings can live a better life and can get a better education. All he asked from me and my sibling is to study hard and get good results. He never says to get good job so that we can have more money to support him at his old time. He always says that if we study hard, we don’t have to work as hard as him. He always put his family first. That is why I respect my parents because they love me and my siblings so much that they will do almost anything to provide us a good life.

Hereby, I want to ask a question, is it too much for them to ask us to get a good result after what they have been giving to us? Think about it.

I love you Mom. I love you Dad <3

Maria M. Sitompul

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Lesson Learned

I’ve log in into my blog today for no reason and I realized it’s been a long time since I updated my blog.  I’ve been ‘Missing in Apple’ for almost one year. Since I got some free time today, I decided to update my blog. *mianhe T.T*

Today, I got my Semester One exam result. As I expected, I didn’t fare well in this exam. I think I deserve to get this kind of result because I know that I’m not trying my best. Somehow I felt ashamed and kind of disappointed with my result. Before this, I won’t even feel anything if I got bad result. But thinking of how disappointed my parents will be and how many times and money will go wasted if I didn’t study hard, I somehow feel regret on why I didn’t try my best. But instead of sighing about the past, I'd rather be happy to face the present. I will try my best in my study this year.

There’s a Chinese saying that goes ‘先苦后甜’. It literally means that you will go through some hardship before you see the good result. Somehow I really need to study hard, like really hard, to achieve what I want. If I can’t do well in Pre-University, how am I going to well in University? This is just a small obstacle on my pathway to university, I should overcome this obstacle to farewell in life.
Before this, I don’t know which subject I should major in, but after I spent almost one year in Form 6, I think Economic is a fun and useful subjects, I had fun learning economic stuff. It might get hard sometimes, but hey that’s normal right? Hahaha. On a more serious side, I’ve learn to count on God and not my own strength, because before this I’ve always think I can do all things with my own strength.

Form 6 taught me a lot of things because back when I was in secondary school, most of the students in my class are rich people. Some of them won’t appreciate what they have because they have been spoilt by their parents since the day they were born. But in Form 6, I’ve seen people who have to work part time while studying so that they can have the money to buy reference books and pay for their school fees. When I heard about this, I realized that I am a lucky kid who still have my parents who are willing to give me my pocket money, send and fetch me from school, pay for my tuition fees, and give me a home to live in. There are countless things that I have that others don’t have, that’s why I should be thankful that I have all of these things.

After learning so many things last year, I’ve finally come up with some New Year resolutions.

  •     i.        Get straight A’s for my exam, because why not? *mainly because I’m A-sian not B-sian* ok, lame joke detected.

  •    ii.      Increase my height *I’m between 4’11 – 5 feet * =.=

  •   iii.      Shed off some weight. * I’m quite chubby to the point when people pinched my cheek, it will stretch like roti canai*

  •   iv.      Grow spiritually in God and avoid all things that can cause temptation

  •    v.      and get into NUS *it’s the 12th best university in the world’

In everything, I put my hope in JESUS. He knows what is good for me and he holds my future in His hand. Have a nice day and God Bless.
Maria M. Sitompul

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 在一个寒冷的夜晚,正当全部人在睡觉时,有一个少女正在熬夜躲在被子下面,正在笑嘻嘻的看着她眼前的电脑屏幕。路过少女房间的人都会觉得有一股寒风从背后吹过。试问为什么一个少女半夜不睡觉躲在被子下笑嘻嘻的看着天脑屏幕?错,她不是在看禁片!她是在看当时可以称得上出名的动漫《家庭教师》。当少女看完了那部动漫,她一边叹息道:“为何没有第二季?”一边浏览着她时常开的社交网站——面子书。那儿显示着少女有一个friend request。由于少女是一个不会轻易接受friend request的人,少女就发送了一个看起来很简单可是是一个友谊的开始的message:“May I know who is this?”


自从我发送那个信息是,我就知道佳佳是一个动漫迷。刚开始,我们的谈话只会牵涉到动漫而已。过后不知怎么的我们的谈话范围就变得越来越广泛了。我们可以从美男说到未来的计划, 然后不知不觉地讲到食物那儿去了。刚开始时,我们俩都会很有礼貌的和对方聊天。认识久后才发觉到她是个神经大条的女子XD。当路过的网友看到我和她的对话是都会想:“哪来的疯婆啊?”


  1. 对朋友太好
  2. 有够义气
  3. 善良纯真贴心
  4. 搞笑
Maria M. Sitompul

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Christian Problems You'll Laugh At

We all know life can be hard and as a Christian, it can be slightly harder! In the spirit of laughter, here are some of the problems you most likely have, or will struggle with, in leading a Christian life.

  1. When you're saying the Lord's Prayer after practice and you forget some of the words and you'll be like 
    Crap, what's the next line?!
 2. Your pastor begins a series on dating, and you’re single.

3. You want to sing the worship song with your eyes closed but you can't because you forget the words.

4. You want to post a Bible verse on Twitter, but it’s more than 140 characters.

5. That baby just won’t be quiet in church, thus destroying your “getting into the zone” moment.


6. Not sure if a song is just a love song or a Christian song praising God.

7. Being asked to pray and getting stage fright.

8. Worship band is too quiet/too loud.
9. Your pastor is your dad and he talks about you during the sermons.
10. You can’t memorize scripture and you feel horrible about it.
11. You get excited when someone starts talking about Christian, but then you realize it’s a guy named Christian and not your faith.
12. The worship band never plays Hillsong United.

13. Your best friend goes to another church.

 14. Not sure if that person beside you is sleeping or praying….

 15.  There’s nobody your age in your church.
16. You get interrupted by the waiter while praying at the restaurant.
17. When your youth pastor asks you to pray and suddenly all eyes are on you.
18. Having mascara smears after crying in worship.
19. When the highlighter ink bleeds through the pages of your Bible.

20. Freaking out because you can't find the verse before the pastor does during a service.

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Oral Assesment

Today, I had an oral assessment in school. The topic that my teacher gave is something about 'relationship'. And to be more specific, it's a relationship between boys and girls. and this picture actually described my relationship status

and when i heard the other team talking about chocolate and teddy bear , deep inside, I was like
But then, luck is against me, and my group is the second group that the teacher choose to assess . So I took a heavy step and I sat beside the teacher. After wishing the teacher a good morning (I actually wanna say buenos dias XD) the assessment officially started.. So, the conversation between the teacher and I went like this

Teacher: So, do you have any crush on someone?
Me: *after thinking for approximately 7 seconds* Yes, I had a celebrity crush.
Teacher: Which celebrity do you have a crush on?
Me: Ryan Higa *.*...
Teacher: Who's that?
Me: =.=He's one of the most famous Youtubers in the world...
Teacher: No wonder you wrote about him in your essay XD

Before she started the oral test, she actually took my essay and read it in front of the whole class.  And I started my essay with Dear Ryan,
lol... I just love him!! And after the oral assessment , I had a whole new concept on 'relationship'

 ok, I'm just kidding lol. I don't find anything fun about being in love XD . And I don't think love is amazing, yet.But I love food, Ryan Higa and Running Man .

Last but not least.

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My 2014 school life

This is my first post in 2014. I'm so excited!!! ok, i'm lying...i'm not that excited .. Anyway, I bet all of you know that I'm one of those science students that hates biology, chemistry and physics. And because of my lame results on the previous exam, I dropped to the second class. Until now, I still can't accept the fact that I'm in the second class. I still miss my previous English teacher, she's the best teacher ever in this world. You will believe me !! 

I think I'd lost my soul since I came to this class.== I can't see the sunshine anymore...although I'm sitting right in front of the window. I can't laugh at their jokes and most of the time I will be a loner in this class. This class is so boring because all those people that sit around me can't get my sarcasm. And when mortal can't get my sarcasm, I will take out my add maths exercise book and keep myself busy with add maths' brain squeezing question.

I'm easily distracted by the slightest movement or sound when I'm trying to focus on the lesson, and most of the students are so nerd. My chemistry teacher and physic teacher is currently pregnant and they'll take a leave for 3 months!! I'll be happy if they take a 3 month leave last year, but not this year!!! This year is an important year!! I'm going to sit for  SPM and the teachers is taking leave for 3 months!!!

Being the lazy person that I always be, I decided to do my account folio at the last minutes. But when I saw the person that teach me account, I decided to drop account class on the spot. Well, you may think I'm crazy but believe me, you'll do the same thing if you're in my place.He's one of those person with an emotionless face. Even Kristin Stewart is better than him. Next, he's also one of those person who makes some stupid joke and laugh at his own joke while other students staring at him with a poker face. At that very moment, I finally understand the real meaning of retarded.

And lastly, i got the worst teacher in school. A teacher that will  curse you to get hit by a lorry if you didn't get A's for her subject!!! For now, all I can do is suffering for another 11 months... After that, I will get the hell out from this class. I didn't hate this school, I just hate the teachers, the class, most of my classmates ...and the smelly toilet == That's all for today.

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