Lesson Learned

I’ve log in into my blog today for no reason and I realized it’s been a long time since I updated my blog.  I’ve been ‘Missing in Apple’ for almost one year. Since I got some free time today, I decided to update my blog. *mianhe T.T*

Today, I got my Semester One exam result. As I expected, I didn’t fare well in this exam. I think I deserve to get this kind of result because I know that I’m not trying my best. Somehow I felt ashamed and kind of disappointed with my result. Before this, I won’t even feel anything if I got bad result. But thinking of how disappointed my parents will be and how many times and money will go wasted if I didn’t study hard, I somehow feel regret on why I didn’t try my best. But instead of sighing about the past, I'd rather be happy to face the present. I will try my best in my study this year.

There’s a Chinese saying that goes ‘先苦后甜’. It literally means that you will go through some hardship before you see the good result. Somehow I really need to study hard, like really hard, to achieve what I want. If I can’t do well in Pre-University, how am I going to well in University? This is just a small obstacle on my pathway to university, I should overcome this obstacle to farewell in life.
Before this, I don’t know which subject I should major in, but after I spent almost one year in Form 6, I think Economic is a fun and useful subjects, I had fun learning economic stuff. It might get hard sometimes, but hey that’s normal right? Hahaha. On a more serious side, I’ve learn to count on God and not my own strength, because before this I’ve always think I can do all things with my own strength.

Form 6 taught me a lot of things because back when I was in secondary school, most of the students in my class are rich people. Some of them won’t appreciate what they have because they have been spoilt by their parents since the day they were born. But in Form 6, I’ve seen people who have to work part time while studying so that they can have the money to buy reference books and pay for their school fees. When I heard about this, I realized that I am a lucky kid who still have my parents who are willing to give me my pocket money, send and fetch me from school, pay for my tuition fees, and give me a home to live in. There are countless things that I have that others don’t have, that’s why I should be thankful that I have all of these things.

After learning so many things last year, I’ve finally come up with some New Year resolutions.

  •     i.        Get straight A’s for my exam, because why not? *mainly because I’m A-sian not B-sian* ok, lame joke detected.

  •    ii.      Increase my height *I’m between 4’11 – 5 feet * =.=

  •   iii.      Shed off some weight. * I’m quite chubby to the point when people pinched my cheek, it will stretch like roti canai*

  •   iv.      Grow spiritually in God and avoid all things that can cause temptation

  •    v.      and get into NUS *it’s the 12th best university in the world’

In everything, I put my hope in JESUS. He knows what is good for me and he holds my future in His hand. Have a nice day and God Bless.
Maria M. Sitompul

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